Friday, August 2, 2013


I follow JournalMENU on Facebook, and they have some of the most spot-on, relatable posts! 

This week a post about support groups popped up on my newsfeed, and it hit so close to home in relation to my July (and the past year and three months even), I just had to copy and paste it below.

Support group.

That's what you get when you cross the threshold. Every single day. You get the people who want you to succeed, the people who believe in what you are doing, the people who suffer next to you. Your support group allows you to let go. To let go of all the naysayers. To let go of all the people who tell you that you can't, or that you will never, or that it's impossible. To let go of all your doubts, your "I can't", your weaknesses. Your support group lets you rise above. They help you crush your goals, slaughter your WODs and become who you strive to be. And the best part? The best part is you don't have to walk in the box in perfect physical condition, have your pullups, be crazy strong or super gymnastic. Your support group doesn't care.You just have to walk in the door. So drop all your dead weight. Drop the people who aren't cheering you on, who aren't rooting for you. Drop the people who think you are crazy, or too focused or too driven. Your support group will prop you up, and all you have to do in return is prop them up. So let them cheer you on and start killing it.

I share this because July was a whirlwind, I felt like I had zero free time and when I thought I couldn't go anymore or get up with that 4:30 a.m. alarm clock, I just thought about my support group, put one foot on the ground at a time and drove myself half asleep and sore as hell to our morning workouts. Not one time did I regret a workout.  

On the last day of June I saw someone post on Facebook that they ran 100 miles. In typical 'let's see how many times a day we can workout' fashion, I immediately text Katie, 1/4 of the BBs, and proposed the idea of setting a goal to run 100 miles in July. She jumped on board and on July 1 we started our 100-mile journey on top of five morning workouts per week and our weekly 90-minute hot yoga routine. I should also mention that any running we did in our daily workouts, even when we would run a mile, didn't count towards the grand total, hence the term runs and guns (you know, when running just isn't enough). The goal was 100 miles extra and we made it! Brad and a few others jumped on board and accepted the 100 miles in July challenge as well, and we spent the month of July encouraging each other and holding one another accountable. Accountability people! It's that magic diet pill you've been searching for!

  The BBs, mentioned above, are the core of my support group! 
These girls definitely get it. 

Excuse me as I backtrack briefly, but when I started working at Southern Miss I joined a team full of runners. These people have run a multitude of marathons and continue to motivate me in all my fitness endeavors everyday as they unknowingly set amazing examples. I can remember a conversation Brad and I had with my co-worker and now good friend Dawn the very first week I was on campus. Brad told Dawn he'd never run any type of long distance because "people die (the Boudreauxs are never dramatic or anything)." Now we're working on our second half marathon and who knows what else!

Back to now: On the morning of July 31 at 4:44 a.m. I embarked on the last two miles of the month's 100-mile journey and, as Brad would say, it was glorious! 

With July all wrapped up and 100 miles conquered, we're now two days into August. A month that we're pretty excited about as it brings some pretty big changes our way!  

Watch out Downtown Hattiesburg! The Boudreauxs are moving in!
